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Alexander Ramsey Class of '81
Come celebrate our 35 year graduation milestone with 'a touch of class'
Golf - August 19 & Dinner Cruise - August 20, 2016
Ramsey 35 Website - Ram Mix-A-Lot
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Current Committee
Next Committee Meeting Tuesday 4-26-16 at 6:30 pm
Welsch’s Big Ten Tavern
4703 Highway 10 Arden Hills, MN 55112
Chelle (Michelle Ford) Winczewski --- Cruise Director
Kevin McNabb --- Treasurer
Michael Lallas --- Contact Information
Steve McLean --- Hotel, Transportation, Golf
Stuart Portoghese --- Website
Mark Goodwin --- Golf
There is room for a couple more volunteers :)
Several classmates have offered to help but have not been able to attend the meetings
Past Committee Members
Karen Horak Formanek
Julie Peterson Durbin
Cindy Clark
Stephanie Pistoria
Lori Gilbertson Lexvold
Suzy Teien Kirby
Nicky McGough Nagel - 25 year reunion
Sue Stillings Howe - 20 year reunion
Roxanne Flem - 15 year reunion
Carey Stende - 10 year --- made cool nametags for another one
Judy McKennell Speltz - 10 year --- made the nametags with Carey
Julie Carlson - Made a sign
Laurie Schultz Drach - 10 year
Cheri Charboneau - 10 year
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